One of the most important figures of 10th-11th century of Vajrayāna was the undoubtedly the monk Atiśa (Jo-bo rje dPal-ldan A-ti-sha) (982-1054).
Jetari Bodhibhadra at Nālandā Vidhyakokila Avadhutipa (7 years secret Mantra practice) Rahulagupta (Hevajra and Heruka Tantra instructions) Shilarakshita ordained him as a monk with the name "Dipamkara Shrijñana" ("He Whose Deep Awareness Acts as a Lamp.") Dharmarakshita at Odantapuri monastery Dharmakirti/Serlingpa (t.) in Serling, Sumatra,Indonesia 12 years/Dharmamati, the Sublime Teacher from Suvarnadvipa Shantipa Bhadrabodhisheri Nagarjuna Asanga (ca 290-360) |