The Tenga Rinpoches are members of the Karma Kagyü Order of tibetan Buddhism. The second Tenga Rinpoche, Karma Tenzin Chögyal, was recognized by the 8th Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoce as the reincarnation of his recently deceased teacher Lama Samten. The seat of the Tenga Rinpoches was originally Benchen monastery, which lies 30 km south of Jyekundo (SE Quinghai). The present Tenga Rinpoche is abbot of Swayambhu Temple in Kathmandu and travels and teaches widely in the west and is a holder of several many important tantric lineages among others the Jonang Kalachakra lineage. He is the founder of Karma Kamtsang Association in Poland, Karma Thegsum Ling, Verona, Italy and Lotus Trust as well as Lotus Direkthilfe in Germany. |